Do You Really Know Jesus?
True disciples know the true idenity of Jesus and will be changed by Him.
I. Jesus is the Perfect Man (vv. 45-46)
As at the beginning of his ministry (Ch. 1:12 f.), Jesus’ presence in the wilderness provoked the renewal of temptation: refusing the acclaim of the multitude he gave himself to a long period of solitude in order to affirm his obedience to the Father.
II. Jesus is the Sovereign God (vv. 47-52)
The verb is basanizō (βασανιζω) “to torture,” used in the passive, “to be harassed, distressed.”
If you submit your life to Christ in obedient commitment, you will expose yourself to a variety of sorrows. Your caring, your commitment to Biblical living, will make you vulnerable to things which the uncommitted heart will never experience.
III. Jesus is the Compassionate Healer (vv. 53-56)
III. Jesus will take care of our needs
Gennesaret (53) is probably the fertile plain south of Capernaum. They were aiming for Bethsaida, and are generally viewed as having been blown off course.
If you submit your life to Christ in obedient commitment, you will expose yourself to a variety of sorrows. Your caring, your commitment to Biblical living, will make you vulnerable to things which the uncommitted heart will never experience.
As at the beginning of his ministry (Ch. 1:12 f.), Jesus’ presence in the wilderness provoked the renewal of temptation: refusing the acclaim of the multitude he gave himself to a long period of solitude in order to affirm his obedience to the Father.
The verb is basanizō (βασανιζω) “to torture,” used in the passive, “to be harassed, distressed.”
“to agitate, trouble, to cause one inward commotion.”
Gennesaret (53) is probably the fertile plain south of Capernaum. They were aiming for Bethsaida, and are generally viewed as having been blown off course.
What happened we do not know, and will never know. The story is cloaked in mystery which defies explanation. What we do know is that he came to them and their storm became a calm. With him beside them nothing mattered any more.