A Bucket of Faith, Rom 12:3

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We all have the same measure of Faith. The difference is in how we use them.

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Okay, turn your Bibles to Romans chapter 12 verse 2 Rome Street Romans chapter 12 verse 3 not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think soberly as God has dealt to each one a measure of it the word. Thank you Lord for the blessings that I showed up on a slot for the for the depth of truths that you have stored in this in this scripture Lord speak to each one of us more than I speak Lord. How do you spell do implanted the hearts that they will know the richest what is near word? Thank you for the scriptures in Jesus name. Amen. Okay not to be highly more not to think of himself more highly than you ought to think but think soberly as God has dealt to each one a Measure of Faith, okay. Let's look at the other translations in NIV. How does the new NIV New International Version by the grace given to me? I say to everyone of you do not think of yourself more highly than you ought would rather think of yourself with sober judgment in accordance with the faith. God is distributed to each of you slightly different, but we'll see what's the meaning of it goes like this far by the grace of God given to me. I say to everyone of you not to think more highly of himself and of his importance in ability than two than he ought to think what to think. So as to have sound judgment as good as a potion to each a degree of Faith as a as a purpose design for service has meaning to at the end of the first spot this same for all all the free translation to say is don't think highly of yourself.

Everyone who is among you not to think of himself, or does it say not to think of himself?

What is it? More highly of yourself, highly. Not to think of yourself, highly is it not to think of yourself more highly than you ought to which means I don't think more highly about you. So let's look into the scriptures what it means yet before I say to you or because I say to you and you saw last week because whatever here last week about. The fashion of time of time. Where are you? You're not restricted by time.

That's okay song. That was do not be conformed. Did you not be fashioned? According to this world? That's what we saw the worst bus number to do not be fashioned according to this world which means don't be restricted by the time but thank you and how can you do that by Renewing Your Mind daily verses on that how to ruin your happy supposes how people are corrupted mind. People are corrupted mind possessed mind, but he has to renew your mind daily. Think about Christ Christ Christ lights last week become more like let's let your mind be more like Christ. That's what we saw last week. If you haven't if you missed it go back to the recording. It's their online on a LS crate that recording is available or in the group. You can just click the link. You can listen to the messages. What am I here? We see. That's why because I said that you should not think more highly about yourself. Okay? Let's see about the scriptures. What does it mean?

Big Creek Woods, I want you to introduce here. Indus was 3 Greek words, I want introduce him to see the meaning of it when is Hooper Fornaio another one is for Neo and sulfur Neo is a 3 Greek words you find in this word means like this do not think more highly of yourself think don't think soberly hypophonia which means to think more highly of oneself. Then what is proper another words to be over proud high-minded a person might means I Am The Great I Am nobody is like me. I am the best more highly than is needed that is called that is a word here high-performing you that's what Paul uses it do not think yourself more highly than you ought to think for me, which means the second word that means to have an understanding for me or to be wise, okay? Feel to think to have an opinion wants to think of oneself to be modest not let anyone's opinion of himself exceed the bounds of modesty. That's what it means means. Modest thinking you're mine said should be modest modest kind of thinking your way of dressing should be modest not too much not to less. We teach our kids to dress modestly. Right? So I think it was so should be a modest kind of thinking and 1/3. What is so for me? Oh, okay. So funny to think themself or themselves so badly, that's so funny. Oh that means to be of sound mind to be in the right mind to exercise self-control to put Amor De Madre to estimate upon oneself think of oneself so badly to come once passion. You can split this word word comes from two phrases, which is so so so we get the word soul and friend which is for New York, which means save and mind in other words. I saved mind control mind is self-control mind Spirit controlled mind. That's what it means. So what pink moderately more than that thing in a controlled mind is saved mind. Save my reminder is controlled by the spirit. That's what he says don't think so much about yourself. Okay, see what happen when you think too much about yourself example.

He was an archangel. He was in charge of worship and suddenly he became too powerful and his arrogance build up and then you have his fault. He become Satan. That's what the scripture says. We have too much pride when you think highly of yourself. It was supposed to be sitting here guys guys. You should have a sound mind if you should have a saved mind mind is what he's asking you to do. I save my people who have don't have Luke chapter 8 verse 35

I'm people went out to see a can you read and found the man from whom the demons had gone out sitting at the feet of Jesus Is Right sound mind and Davis seized alarm and fear God and Jesus cast the demons out of him and he's and what happens when the demons live. It's a sea of the man himself. He was clothed sitting at the feet of Jesus and in his sound mind. So, what do you what do you understand?

when you have If you have a sound mind is difficult for Satan to attack or another words when Satan attacks your mind is not ready song. It's always in turmoil. How many fours go to that. We have sufficient the life and then you start thinking thinking thinking about it, but you can control your mind when the demons are out of the body of a person they have a sound mind never combine and they dress modestly and you're sitting at the feet of Jesus.

Action by the demons are out the effect of it reactions of the guy is at the feet of Jesus closed properly and a sound mind which means a person who probably is not clothes. Well is A person who is not modestly clothed is a person who probably is not in the song mind we can talk to people. We talked to people to be overdressed or underdressed when you talk to them. You will realize there's something wrong with this guy something that something is wrong with them. They're not in the real proper mind. You will see that they don't sit up. Sitting at the feet of Jesus, which means you don't have his own mind. Something is troubling you that's why you can't sit at the feet of Jesus. That's why you can't sit to read the word of God. The moment you feel at remember some demonic attack 71 affect them outside. Okay, if you if you can control your mind. You can control your body, right? If you can control your mind, you can control your body. I don't lie you can do it. Only you can control your mind nobody else.

Take a moment to check in which area for mind you don't have control? woman's which area of your life you don't have control of overweight underweight water wrong

is a job. If you don't have control of your situation in your mind. Between something is attacking you something is influencing you we need to get out of that. Okay. So am I ain't have a safe to mind a mind that is controlled by our savior a mind that is controlled by a savior. That's worth so far news this other words by the Savior. So you need to renew your mind.

Let's see. If example how many if you have fear. fear of heights in America fear of heights fear of space Anybody got claustrophobia? Yeah, let me see an example. Let's take a quick example is not going to happen but there's an example suppose for example, you come here and you see that there's a big crack on the skull. Mm. What are you going to think? I thought you was only think oh my God this Drawer is going to collapse on us. We're just going to die here. You don't beat so hard so that your vibration doesn't take place exists. In case this. You should be able to get out or in case of the rescue guys still coming. You should be able to view it.

How do you start thinking I did something. What if I'mma live my family is my family is going on and on and on. I'm just going uncontrolled. Be open to that right what happen if I lose my job. This is crazy. That's what we saw last week renew your mind daily. Renew your might have saved mind. OK A sound mind. It is not a mind that is controlled by the spirit. So let's not think that's not how proud let's have a sound mind Titus. Paul says to Titus Titus Chapter 2 Verse 6 days. Titus Chapter 2 Verse 6

look at each other and say have a sound mind. I'm so glad everybody looked at each other.

Sound Mind Is Telling to Titus here exhort and encourage young man to be sound-minded saved my modest minded encourage them to be modest and Trace them to have a sober mind saved mind. It is your job to encourage them to be moderate.

sound minded Walter Titus 1st Peter chapter 4 verse 7 1st Peter chapter 4 verse 7 alert and of sober mind so that you've been to the world is come is very close is a fetus at 2000 years ago.

sober mind of sound mind be alert of sober mind of sound mind so that the buses pictures of boys so that you may I don't have to tell you this if you're worried about things. It's quite difficult. Sometimes when a woman to situations of life when you have a crisis going on in your life. It's very difficult to pray. You find it very difficult to read the word of God. But encourage one another to be of sound mind so that you can be alert and you can pray that the time in friends are there for the friends gather together and pray pray for each other encouraged them to be of sound mind. What's Corinthians chapter 4 verse 6? 1st Corinthians chapter 4 verse 6 and what is written on behalf of one against the other?

And one against each other means stop comparing stop located to the saying that I'm better than you. Are you are better than me, whatever don't stop this. Have a sound mind when you see somebody else better than you. It's either because in filter complex or whatever it's because you sound you don't have a sound mind. Don't be puffed up. Have three people equal. Okay. Okay, it's a it's what I say to you the grace given unto mean to everyone who is among you not to think himself more highly than he ought to thing. Okay, and then it's a is but to think soberly which is the worst that we saw and then the next part of the worst plays as God has dealt to each one a Measure of Faith. As God has dealt each one a Measure of Faith when you look at this was what does it mean? I need to get this verse this is what the impression comes when you read the scriptures, which means she has got some amount of faith. No amount of Faith right? It's one of my favorite artists and he's got so much faith. And maybe one of us have got a little faith, right? That's because it's maybe been here. So let's Faith you treat but one of us have got Okay. So what is the word measure talks about you when you look at the scriptures on measure, which is an instrument of measuring?

Arrested for receiving and determining the quantity of things better dry or liquid. Portion of it is something used to measure, okay. Do you understand this you need to you need to see some old scriptures turn the next light? What is an instrument?

When is valid what is a balance used to measure weight of time and measures 4 time? Okay. Look at this next one. measurement of quantity the different measure of the quantity is like you see the first one on the left is a 14 gallon. I miss you feeling water 14 gallon water or 14 gallon rice grains, and you see the other small to big science.

Yes, it does that it is a vessel used to measure rice grain. Are wheat or whatever you go to a shop to buy rice in those days when there was no plastic bags or paper bags of whatever you have to go with this all the shopkeepers like this. I need a stupor thick rice into the spider fill it up. I'm bored into your bag or a basket of whatever and you take home if you have to buy one.

Naughty naughty you think you don't think you don't take one pair of rice to cook everyday? You think one night at the small quantity right measurements, which is used in those days in the days of Paul or that's why I'm this.

Looking for the most latest. I have something for all of you guys.

Okay. The Sun is going to give it to the other side of the lake and something. What is this? I need to give it to them to give it.

You all are going to get one of those. Okay.

Biggest boss that or just get a pack of don't don't don't stand the pieces give the packets and pass it on don't distribute. Give it to them. Yeah.


The bus doesn't get to come on.

140 supposed to be at least 140 supposed to be running short when I want for family.

Okay. Well if we go on it. Does it look good?

no imagino You must look here. Look here. Now. Look at this. This is Imagine. No, this is a Para. Beefeaters in Candler or imagined this was in Rome at the time remaining if this was in Israel, are there about that time do each one is go back to the worst place to each one is given.

Each one is given a Measure of Faith. The measure here means and vessel used to measure it is a noun.

Cancel policy. Each if you have God in some translate stays The Measure of Faith The Measure of Faith. Okay in short look at look at the neighbors buckets. Does it look different? They're all the same.

Now this is what I want station so I can show it to you. This is the same measure of faith. Okay, do you agree with me that's important. Don't think highly about the person next to you because the guy that is going to same measure of Faith anybody has got bigger.

the same measure you and I don't think too much about Benny Hinn. I don't think too much about Pastor Abraham. Don't think too much about Pastor John you and Pastor John has got the same measure of Faith. Are you happy now? Okay by suicide note.

You guys all of us including ball and Peter has got the same measure of faith. But don't neighbor and say don't be so boastful.

Let's listen to scriptures little bit more. Let's go a little more deeper Luke chapter 6 verse 38 Luke chapter 6 38 down shaken together and running over will be put into your bottom.

I'm going to be given back to you. How is it? good message good measure and then days to press it and it skips over till it's good measure pressed down and then

Like you said you could have saved a little bit. What did I do that shaking adjust the rice grain and it goes down in the game and then I can feeling more and it's a good measure pressed down shaken together running over flow for the same measure that use it back to you. Isn't that great. So use the measure that you use what you give Is the same measure that you're going to get? That's what Jesus said when you give some you give give if you want more. Give more volume to give more get more. Okay, so I want to smoke Place Mall game. You don't have the buckets with you. Okay, I want to I want to listen to go inside and see if they're smarter than girls tell me one use you can use the bucket other than using it as a bucket.

How can you make a bucket of slime?

You can mix okay? You want to plow can you can use it at that but that's a good guys guys guys. Come on think of something you can use this.

Harley Quinn story I have to keep your shaver.

But up all the mess. We used a lot of times this Measure of Faith be used for everything except itself. except for its use itself

Can you fill in water bottles?

Disciple tattoos big question and the disciples asked Jesus in Luke chapter 17. He also questioned Lord increase our faith and you don't have this question, right Lord increase our faith and to which Jesus replied if you have faith as Small as a mustard seed I will tell talk to his mulberry tree be uprooted and planted in the sea it will obey you. So how big your feet to be Jesus said, how do you need Faith? Do you need the size or do you need your size in your hand? That's all the measure you need in life. And then Jesus goes on to explain a solvent suppose one of you have a 7 plow wing on looking after the Sheep when he will he say to the servant when he comes in from the field come along now and sit down to eat. What do you have to say prepare my supper get get yourself ready and wait on me while I eat and ringing after that. You may need to drink Willie time to 7 because he did what he was told to do. So you will see when you have done everything you were told to do should say you are you Bieber unworthy servants. We have we have one. We have only done our duty basically Walpole stuck in here over Jesus talking about here is if you want to increase your faith make your faith work. Until he brings an example of parable sing a servant. If you have a servant you don't make the seven rest in you work you make the servant work while you rest. So which means faith is a thing in your hand which you have to use to make it work. Faith is a thing that has a measure in your hand, but you have to use to make it work you have to do work. That's why that's why Paul say if that's a James the brother of Jesus said faith without works is dead James 2:17 says that faith without works is dead Arabic cat out of a measure this measure that you have in your hand. There is no use of you holding on to it. There's no use if you don't put it for use let your faith work. Yes, let your faith work. Can I ask you a question? What is it in your bucket now?

Right now nothing nothing.

I wanted to put something in faith. Okay, I wanted to put some situation of your life into that faith.

I want to start putting it.

Stop putting things into the faith. And then it'll start working. Let Faith work in our lives. Let Faith walk in our lives, okay? Remember the most important thing we all have the same Faith as a measure of faith. We all have it. Okay.

That is a bear. Is the word call comparison comparison itis?

It's a sickness when you start comparing yourself with things or another person. It's so I called comparison. Itis. This is a very it's a it's a disease that when you start having this you can't excel in anything because you start comparing and thinking that you're bad. What is a compelling thinking you're better than the other person both are bad. This leads to stress insurance doesn't cover. This doctors don't know how to deal with it psychologist. Try to do something out of the key is because you don't have a sound mind. That's why Paul says don't compare yourself with another person. Don't overthink don't think highly of yourself think soberly effusion chapter 2 verse 8, not of yourselves. It is the gift of God by Grace you have been saved through faith. You are saved by grace, but Faith was needed. Papers needed for that. Okay, and remember it's a gift. Hello, you have to look at your hand. It's a gift. It's a gift not just might not just what I gave now, but his faith is a measure of its Paul said ball sitting here. It is a gift from God. You didn't earn it. You didn't deserve it. It is given as a gift for you. Okay? when last was I want to take 2nd Peter chapter 1 verse 1 2nd Peter chapter 1 verse 1 And an apostle of Jesus Christ to those who have like Precious face with those by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ, son Apostle of Christ. And then he says he's writing this letter 2014 like Precious Faith. What does that mean? What we was trying to say is it is the same way that I have is what you have. It is a thing for you. What I have is what you have.

He Pizza could raise a person from the dead. If you have the same faith that can raise a person from the dead. If some person a picture can pray or healing and healing thing take place and let me tell you you can pray you can do it because it's the same Faith same like faith that you have it is the same there's nothing different but why is it different? It's because some people use this Faith the others don't use it. We all have the same measure of faith. Nothing different but the difference is because some of us use it some of us don't use it. If you don't have a job a person who has faith will believe that no look pass will Proclaim Victory. We will maybe send petition to whatever you would do that. But my faith will say useless child is useless good-for-nothing. Why should I spend money? That is without faith will believe that that is how we use it. When you come to situations that life, let me tell you you and I have got the same measure of faith. Let's put it to work. Let's put it to work because faith without works is dead. If you don't use a bucket. You can't you probably won't be successful. You said you only need to say faith the size of a mustard seed there's a jar of mustard seed on a stable me to remind him of the faith like a mustard seed Jesus talks about Mustard Seed like a mustard Jesus talk of talks about kingdom of God is like a mustard seed

so maybe you and I can buy some mustard seeds and put it in this bucket and keep it on a study table and every time you haven't situation if your life take one of those mustard seed

Can we use it? That's all you need. Use your faith, Let's use this Faith. You will be successful in life.

Yeah, you need that right you need that? Because he who nuts is greater than he was in the world. If God is on our side then who can be against us no weapons to send us a man. That's a victory. That's come on stop building it and give it get it from God and give it you can fill your bathtub with a bucket of water with a bucket. But if you don't use your bucket, you can fill anything. Fill your life with faith. Let Faith arise let Faith arise in us and let us be victorious in our life a man. So let's go back to the bus again Romans chapter 12 the stand up.

And let's read that verse again.

What I say to the grace given to me to everyone who is among you not to think of himself more highly than you ought to think but to think soberly as God as to each one a Measure of Faith you and I have the same faith. So we need to be excited. Let's get going and let's get Faith working in our lives. Aziza set an example of letting making your servant work for you in the house in the same way the same example, let Faith working Our Lives, you know, sometimes when you go to situations B make pastures work. Hello.

Sometimes when you go to job situations make a boss's work a lot faster. You want this you want to see one that? But if you believe in faith, let me tell you will work more powerful than Boston will work. Let Faith working Our Lives. There was one kid was misbehaving and the kids had to go for a picnic. And the kids misbehaving so like most parents what they do. The said if you don't behave yourself, I will not send you for the picnic at the end of the week. The kids are very upset, you know.

A few days past the kid was not behaving so maybe it was wrong. I should tell the girl was very sad. The mother asked her why are you dressed and I love you for the picnic, right? And she said no I prayed that it should rain already.

the little children have faith sometimes I have the faith To Pray For Rain because she couldn't go maybe the intention was bad. But the fact is that she had faith and she put it to work you have to do you have faith. You'll have the measure of Faith are you putting it to work is a question. Let's put it to work. Next time you go to see about the gifts of the some of the gifts of the holy spirit. Paul talks about different gifts.

Let's put what you have to work. Yes all the buckets in your hand. It's by faith. I got to make it work. Yes. Thank you Lord for the scriptures father. Thank you Lord for the Revelation that are given us Lord. Let us measure every one of us have got us a Measure of Faith and we thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you for the

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