Man, Woman, and Marriage
Thesis: God created man and woman to rule the world, and work to take dominion over the animals, and the world. All this while living in harmony and relationship with God.
John 1
I. God’s creation of man and woman.
I. God’s creation of man and woman.
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
A. The difference of Adam from the rest of Creation.
A. The difference of Adam from the rest of Creation.
i. Last lesson, God said “Our image”.
ii. Subdue the earth, take dominion over it.
iii. God breathed into man the breath of life. vs. 7
B. What was the purpose of man?
B. What was the purpose of man?
Many times this question is asked because of the trouble in the world.
Folks in miserable situations questioning why they are here.
We wonder about the rampant evil in the world.
a. Some blame God.
Humans were created to live and work in harmony with their creator. vs. 15.
Remember work was created before the fall.
Humans were created to have meaningful work to do.
Often people who are retired will want to volunteer somewhere.
Even a child thrives when they can do something useful.
C. Woman was to be a helper, or ally.
C. Woman was to be a helper, or ally.
i. , Hebrew word ezer.
The New King James Version Psalm 33
20 Our soul waits for the LORD;
He is our help and our shield.
The New King James Version Chapter 33
26 “There is no one like the God of Jeshurun,
Who rides the heavens to help you,
And in His excellency on the clouds.
II. The Garden of Eden
II. The Garden of Eden
A. God was creating a special place for the humans.
A. God was creating a special place for the humans.
i. Think of the most beautiful place you have seen.
River and I camping along the River up north.
ii. We find it difficult to imagine a world unmarred by sin.
1. Sin, sickness, death, wars, anger, fightings, fueled by pride.
iii. We don’t have humans just living in the earth.
There was this special place for them.
B. The Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
B. The Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Did Adam and Eve know evil?
A small child does not know evil. They are innocent. Their laughter.
1. Adam and Eve didn’t know evil. They hadn’t experienced it.
2. Moral discernment.
The verb הָיָה (hayah) “describes a lasting condition and not a becoming as it has often been translated under the influence of the Septuagint” (Doukhan, “Genesis”). This discernment of good and evil was only possible when “Adam was like God, from the perspective of pure good, that he was still capable of distinguishing between good and evil” (Doukhan, “Genesis”).
Sickness, Death, Wars, anger, abuse, pride.
C. The Tree of Life
C. The Tree of Life
C. The Tree of Life
C. The Tree of Life
D. Adam and Eve were full grown adults.
D. Adam and Eve were full grown adults.
i. Maybe the Garden was a place of safety for them to learn and grow.
III. Marriage
III. Marriage
A. The institution of marriage.
A. The institution of marriage.
God made one man, then one woman from man.
This is the beginning of marriage.
B. One man and woman becoming one flesh.
B. One man and woman becoming one flesh.
i. This is a mystery.
ii. With a commitment to be someones life partner, there is a joining together.
iii. Notice, there was only one woman.
We don’t see a man recorded taking more than 1 wife before Lamech.
Lamech is not portrayed as a godly man either.
iv. God made them male and female.
iv. There was a man and a woman.
Deviation from this is not how God made it from the beginning.
C. Jesus was asked about divorce.
C. Jesus was asked about divorce.
Jesus took it back to the beginning.
Moses was working with what he had, (hard hearted people).
Have we ever done this?
Maybe our children are struggling in an area in school. We have to start where they are.
Jesus was taking it back to how it was in the beginning.
As we go through this book we will notice this theme.
God tries to work with people, but they continue to spiral downward.
We will notice a theme of what they really need. (a new heart).
This is an important truth about marriage.
Also an important truth about how Jesus was bringing things back to the way God created it to be.
This is how God created marriage to be, in harmony.
Have we gotten a picture of how God created the world and the first humans to be. As we will see in the next lesson this bliss was short-lived. All around us we often see the world that has been affected by the fall. Hopefully, we can pause and take some time to reflect on what God created and what this world was like at that point.