(11 results)
Then Sings My Soul
David Thomas • FHCC • Sermon • • 215 views • 29:52
Our despair of hopelessness can turn to hopefulness when we remember the power and purpose of God.
La muerte de los primeros peregrinos que llegaron a América en 1620 fue una experiencia trágica y desafiante. Los peregrinos, viajaron a bordo del Mayflower desde Inglaterra, tras enfrentar la persecusión de sus familias, el asesinato de algunos de sus familiares, la expopriación de sus bienes y el abandono;…
Lessons On Communication From The Life Of Jesus
Jon Winkelman • Grace Church of Lockeford • Sermon • • 11 views • 41:25
Boundaries are necessary for every child of God to have. They enable us to serve the Lord as He has gifted and called us to serve. Boundaries are essential.
David Gardner • Sermon • • 34 views
Introducción: I’m thankful for friendship, it’s one of the biggest blessings in my life to be able to count on friends and companions along this life Though sometimes people like to be “loners”, it’s not good for man to be alone Anne Hathaway, the actress, said “Loneliness is my least favorite thing…
Striving Together
Josh Owens • Clear Springs Baptist Church • Sermon • • 7 views
The Best Way Forward Text: Philippians 4:1-9 INTRODUCTION 1) Intentional Connection Paul speaks from the position of a very close friend to those listed in this passage. Notice Paul’s call for all fellow laborers to be helpful to those women who labored with Paul, Clement and others. TURN TO — Acts 16:1-3…
Dr. Hugo E. Garcia • Sermon • • 9 views
Preached during the COVID19 crisis. Protecting your health is more important than anything.
Love Others
Alex Howard • Sermon • • 6 views
We have a desire and drive to help others how are we to do so.
Wise Guy: Life Lessons from the Book of Proverbs
Joshua Farley • Sermon • • 13 views
Introduction| Attention : Growing up, I can remember my parents buying the rockem sockem robot game. The game is an epic battle of the blue robot vs. the red robot in an intense boxing match. This game provides a perfect picture of our speech. Every day, we have an epic battle that takes place in the…
21 promesas
Kike Torres • Sermon • • 6,605 views
Desarrollar en la audiencia por la Palabra un instinto a acudir a nuestri ayudador en medio de problemas, resultará en personas que alaban a Dios con la certeza de que Él es bueno, en control y nos ama, y nos dará la gracia necesaria para lo que venga.
GLENN PEASE • Sermon • • 219 views
By Pastor Glenn Pease Every able bodied man in Russia must serve in the army, but Abe managed to remain quietly on his farm year after year. One day his neighbor asked him, "Abe, how does a strong young man like you manage to get by without being drafted for the Red Army?" "That is what I am asking myself,"…
GLENN PEASE • Sermon • • 18 views
By Pastor Glenn Pease John D. Rockefeller Sr. made his first million dollars by the time he was 33. By constant work every waking moment he controlled the world's largest business, which was Standard Oil Company, when he was 43. By 53 he was the richest man on earth and the world's only billionaire.…