Evanglism Luke 24_36-49
Expository Sermon Outline:
Theme……………………………………….. Evangelism
I. Shawshank Redemption Clip
a. Intuitionalized
b. 50 years of habit
c. Hateful Walls
Thesis………If we believe in the resurrection story then we are each to be evangelists
Transition…………… Get busy dying
I. Instutionalized, thousands of years old, full of old habits, and covered by walls of insecurity, the current day Christian has failed to become what God has called him to be…an evangelist!
II. Context of the Passage
a. Three appearances
i. Jesus death & Burial
ii. Eve’s sin forgiven
iii. Emmaus
b. Jesus’ Physically Appears to the Disciples
i. FEAR dominates passage
ii. Double guessing their eyes
c. The Mission
i. Reviews mission
ii. Changes mission
iii. Deep Words – we are called to only present the Gospel
Transition ……………..Get busy living
III. Case Study for Church wide Evangelism
a. 70% of 2nd Great Awaking were 1:1 converts
b. People follow people not programs
c. Growing Churches
i. Holy Spirit
ii. Prayer
iii. Music
iv. Used Sunday school for lay education
IV. Case Study for Individual Evangelism
a. Fear of failure – they are not rejecting you!
b. Propositional Evangelism – Man in Mall
c. Relational Evangelism – John’s Childhood
d. Keys to helping us start a conversation
i. Dynamic Equivalents
1. music
2. children
3. need for relationships
4. Sports
5. books
Conclusion: If we believe in the resurrection story then we are each to be evangelists. The reader of the redemption story is found in the role of evangelism. Fear of failure is the number one reason for people to stop evangelism yet if we stick to a relational evangelism model we will have less change of failure. Instutionalized, thousands of years old, full of old habits, and covered by walls of insecurity, the current day Christian has failed to become what God has called him to be…an evangelist!