You Should Want Steak!!
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· 14 viewsChristians should desire to spiritually mature and gain knowledge and understanding about their God and Savior.
Sermon Tone Analysis
Walk out drinking from baby bottle, welcome everyone, talk about bottle, trade it out for a sippy cup and repeat
Why is it weird for me to have drink from a bottle? I’m a 32 year old man! I’m not supposed to be drinking from a bottle, I’m supposed to be drinking a Sonic drink from an RTIC cup!
It’s weird if we see an adult eating like a child. Kids drink from these things. Hudson looooooooves these sippy cups! ...
But when he gets older, like Parker has, he’ll stop using these cups and start using normal cups. Start drinking less milk and more of other things. One day we’ll give him caffeine. You’ll know that day because you’ll drive by our house and he’ll be standing on the roof yelling.
Just like people are supposed to mature in what they eat, Christians are supposed to mature in their spiritual lives, in their knowledge about God, who He is and what He does. But the church is one of the places where no one seems to really notice if someone isn’t maturing, learning.
What happens if a child doesn’t grow? If they don’t learn? If they don’t develop? What happens if an athlete doesn’t get better, stronger, gain more understanding into their game? If an artist doesn’t learn new techniques, improve their skills, and progress?
But what happens if someone at church never looks more like Christ? If they never spend time in the Word, never serve others, never truly commit to the church? People don’t freak out over this like they do the other stuff, do they?
But we should, because it’s so important! We’re going to look at a passage that talks about the importance of maturing in Christ tonight.
Read and Pray
Christians are supposed to mature and grow in knowledge of God.
Christians are supposed to mature and grow in knowledge of God.
It’s weird if we see an adult eating like a child. Kids drink from these things. Hudson looooooooves these sippy cups! ...
But when he gets older, like Parker has, he’ll stop using these cups and start using normal cups. Start drinking less milk and more of other things. One day we’ll give him caffeine. You’ll know that day because you’ll drive by our house and he’ll be standing on the roof yelling. But he’s going to mature, and we should as Christians.
The writer gets to talking about this because he’s been trying to explain some deep stuff to the people he was writing to.
He’s been talking about a guy named Melchizedek…
And how Jesus is the perfect high priest…
But they didn’t know enough to be able to understand what he was telling them.
Kind of like math...
He tells them it’s not that they aren’t able, but they are lazy. They haven’t put forth the effort. They don’t care.
How many of us can that be said about? How much dust is on your Bible? There’s an option I found on my phone last night that will delete any apps I don’t use for so long. If you turn that on, will your Bible app still be there when you back out of your settings?
What’s your life group or Sunday school attendance looking like on Sunday mornings?
If you aren’t doing these things, then you won’t grow spiritually like you should
The writer tells them they’re like kids who aren’t growing and moving onto real food.
Paul uses this same illustration in his letter to the Corinthians...
Brothers, I was not able to speak to you as spiritual people but as people of the flesh, as babies in Christ. I gave you milk to drink, not solid food, because you were not yet ready for it. In fact, you are still not ready,
We should understand the basic truths about Christianity, and when we do, we should move on to deeper things. We should desire to do that! Like the Psalmist says in
As a deer longs for streams of water, so I long for You, God.
Don’t get me wrong, milk is important! We need it to move on to these deeper truths he’s talking about.
And the more we mature, the better equipped we are to know the difference between good and evil, to live in a way that honors God in this world!
This understanding of God’s Word and truth gives us something called discernment.
The ability to know what’s good and what isn’t. We need to be in the Word, growing in knowledge, building upon the basic truths we learned as spiritual babies.
What are these foundational truths though? I’m glad you asked, because the writer tells us a little about that next!
What are the foundational truths?
What are the foundational truths?
He says we don’t want to keep learning these elementary truths over and over. Do you guys wish you were still in the primary school, learning that stuff? We learn that stuff, and we move on. So what is that elementary stuff here?
Salvation comes from faith in God.
Salvation comes from faith in God.
We talk about this all the time. We are not saved by what we do, we are saved by putting our faith in what Christ did.
For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift— not from works, so that no one can boast.
Our focus should not be on religious rituals.
Our focus should not be on religious rituals.
The Jewish religion was all about rituals. That had tons of them, they’ve got a whole book in the OT about them! We have some very special rituals in Christianity, like baptism and the Lord’s Supper. These are important, but they are meant to direct our attentions to the things they represent, Christ’s work for us!
Luke 11:
As He was speaking, a Pharisee asked Him to dine with him. So He went in and reclined at the table. When the Pharisee saw this, he was amazed that He did not first perform the ritual washing before dinner. But the Lord said to him: “Now you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and evil.
We can’t be hung up on rituals!
What happens after death.
What happens after death.
Clearly this is a huge, important issue, but it’s an elementary issue that people can get hung up on because it’s so important. The Bible says that the dead will rise and that we will all be judged. We need to understand that and build on it, but not get so wrapped up in it that it’s all we worry about! It must move us on to other things, like being on mission for God, to let others know about this!
Paul writes two letters to the Thessalonians and he spends some time talking about this stuff in each letter...
We should get understanding in these elementary, foundational things, and move on to bigger things. But it doesn’t just happen. Vs 3 says if God permits it. So we should pray for spiritual understanding and growth, and we should take action to seek after it. It says in the book of James that God will grant the request of the person who prays for wisdom! So pray for it, seek it out! And move on to the meat!
Some questions for you to consider...
Some questions for you to consider...
When you spend time in your Bible, does it feel familiar or unfamiliar?
When you spend time in your Bible, does it feel familiar or unfamiliar?
Are you making an effort to grow spiritually, or are you being lazy in your relationship with Jesus?
Are you making an effort to grow spiritually, or are you being lazy in your relationship with Jesus?
Can you think of a deep spiritual truth God has been teaching you about recently?
Can you think of a deep spiritual truth God has been teaching you about recently?
Do you understand the most foundational truths of the Bible, who Jesus is and what He did for you?
Do you understand the most foundational truths of the Bible, who Jesus is and what He did for you?