Fellowship of Believers (Part 2)
Passage - Acts 2:42-47
42 And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.
43 And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles.
44 And all who believed were together and had all things in common.
45 And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.
46 And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts,
47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.
Title: Fellowship Of Believers (Part 2)
Recap from Last week ....
Main Characteristic “Devoted”
The 4 Components of the church
Today we are going to look at the First 2 components.
Share about “Great Teachers” in my life.
You could have been a wonderful teach in Biology but I wasn’t a fan of the content.
I had a teacher in Middle school ...
Can’t remember his name but I remember the content (Bass Guitar)
I don’t consider myself a great preacher but I do believe I have great content to preach (God’s word).
Transition Statement: Have you had stuff you were taught .... you didn’t remember the teacher but you remembered the content?
Don’t remember the teacher/person/stranger but you remember the content of what they taught you?
Maybe you had that great teacher (you remember) and what they taught you which was life changing.
Transition Statement: What we read about in this pericope is okay teachers going out to reveal life changing content.
We find the 1st Church of the N.T.
3120 members
All were filled with the H.S.
All were devoted to Christ.
Scripture tells us … (42) “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship”
We know who the Apostles are!
When you break down this sentence .....
“Devoted” is a verb
“Apostles” is a Noun (Direct Object: Genitive)
What were the 3120 devoted to?
It wasn’t the Apostles...... (How do we know this?)
Because of the word “Teaching”
What is it? A verb?
Its a Noun! (Indirect Object: Dative)
Its not an action but its a “Thing”
What does this tell us?
They were not devoted to the Apostles but to the content of what the Apostles where teaching.
We know this is an important thing as well “THE TEACHING”
Article is for emphasis!
Not just any teaching but THE Teaching
(Illustration: The Ohio State)
“Teaching” Greek word: didache
O.T. - meaning (The Law) 4 times
N.T. - referring to the testimony of the 12 about Jesus’s ministry
This is the life changing “content” the 3120 people were exclusively, faithfully, tirelessly devoted to!!!!
Not to the Apostles (Teachers)
But devoted to the content (Teaching)
Tweet from Jim Cymbala - “When we see only what we want to see in the Bible, it loses all power to transform us.”
This is the first component
The second component is “Fellowship”
Not only were they devoted to the “Content” (teachings of Christ) they were devoted to “The Fellowship.”
Again, the article “THE” emphasizes this.
Not just any fellowship but “THE Fellowship.”
Greek word: Koinonia which means associate/fellowship with
The act of sharing in the activities or privileges of an intimate association or group.
Used in describing marriages but also the church as well.
What do we find in the 1st Church of the N.T.?
A group of people “exclusively, faithfully, tirelessly devoted to :
The Teaching (of Christ)
The intimate fellowship (of one another)
For the sake of a point being made ..... lets assume we are not a group of people “exclusively, faithfully, tirelessly devoted to The Teaching (of Christ) nor The intimate fellowship (of one another)
Transition Statement: If this be the case, (and we want to be just that) what would need to change?
- What would need to change in order for us to be a group of people “exclusively, faithfully, tirelessly devoted to The Teaching (of Christ) nor The intimate fellowship (of one another)
Being honest with yourself .... “Have you been “exclusively, faithfully, tirelessly devoted to
The Teaching (of Christ)
Sometimes but not always?
Trying to find loopholes in the word?
The intimate Fellowship (of one another)
Sometimes but not always?
Justifying why I can’t today?
Transition Statement: Let’s take today to examine ourselves!
2 Cor. 13:5 says, “Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith.”
“Examine” Greek: Peiradzo (Intense Examination)
This could include a test by fire
This could include a test based on questions
This could included a test by self-examination
Self-Examination is the most (pain-free) option
But sometimes it can still hurt
Are we exclusively, faithfully, tirelessly devoted to “THE TEACHING?”
Are we exclusively, faithfully, tirelessly devoted to “THE FELLOWSHIP?”
The intimate gathering of believers.