This Little Light of Mine
“This Little Light of Mine…”
Mark 4:21-25
Big Idea: Show Christ to the world.
- The Lord’s
1. What We See
a. Lamps Give Light
i. Jesus is light
1. John 1:1-18
2. Vss. 4, 7, 8, 9, esp.
3. Luke 2:32 – a light to the Gentiles
4. John 8:12 – Jesus said
5. John 1:5 – God is light
6. John 1:7 – we walk in the light as he is in the light
7. Revelation 21:23 – Lamb is the light
ii. Men are not the light (John 1:8), they possess the light (Matthew 5:14; Ephesians 5:8) but they are not the light itself.
b. Lamps uphold the light
i. We are lamps, and carry the light, for a dark, dark world.
1. Matthew 5:16
2. Isaiah 60:1-3
ii. We are lamps and carry light for our own paths
1. Psalm 119:105
2. Is 42:16
c. Lamps Must Not Be Hidden
i. Luke 8:16
ii. Matthew 5:14ff
iii. Hidden lamps give no useable light.
d. Lamps Reveal
i. John 3:19
ii. John 15:22-25
2. What We Hear
a. How we listen is important
i. Only use of “pay attention”
ii. Literally, look closely at what you hear
iii. NIV – “Consider carefully”
b. Good listening brings rewards
c. Poor listening brings trouble