(18 results)
Marvin Penner • Sermon • • 7 views • 43:55
Pastor Marvins leads us in communion, talking about the bronze serpent on the tree and Jesus on the cross. In the second part of the service Wayne Munter shares about the reason for our hope.
The Gospel According to Moses
Pastor Glenn • Grace United Family Church • Sermon • • 53 views • 46:57
The central issue of Christianity is the cross, for it was upon the cross that Jesus died. All sin of all people, from Adam to the last person to pass through a birth canal was placed on the heart and shoulders of the Lamb of God. What was it that motivated Jesus to do such a thing? It had everything to do with the heart relationship he had with his Father. Push rewind thousands of years. Under the Law of Moses, the central issue between Israel and the Lord was a matter of the heart. Indeed, the heart of the matter is the heart. Come with the Grace United crew as we hear God's call resonate down through the ages: "Give me your heart."
Lupé Lopez • Sermon • • 5 views
The cure for the ails of this world are Jesus, but it is up to us to lift Him up to the world as a sign of healing.
From Egypt To Glory
Geoff Lightsey • Sermon • • 3 views
Israel was given new life, they were free. There were still self inflicted wounds that needed healing, sin. God healed them when they looked to Him for their salvation.
Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
Josh Elliott • Sermon • • 2 views
We explore the bronze serpent in the wilderness and what it has to teach us about who Jesus is and what He's done for us.
John 1:1-18
Michael McCoy • Sermon • • 6 views
This message will challenge us to think about the historical claims of the Gospel/Bible. Faith must be based upon true events.
Steven B. Dodd • Sermon • • 29 views
Why would Jesus Himself compare Himself to a snake?
Dr. Mark A. Barber • Sermon • • 61 views
Poisonous thoughts and words are more deadly than snake venom. Jesus bears the curse of our sin.
Cross Series
안성식 • Sermon • • 1 view
제목 : 쳐다보면 살리라 본문 : 민 21:8-9 ( 민21:8 ) 주께서 모세에게 이르시되, 너를 위해 불 뱀을 만들어 장대 위에 달라. 물린 자마다 그것을 쳐다보면 살리라, 하시니라. And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. ( 민21:9 ) 모세가 놋 뱀을 만들어…
Pastor Scamman • St. Paul Lutheran Church • Sermon • • 14 views • 13:14
We live in the Age of Information. The answer to virtually any question is at your fingertips. But for all the collective knowledge of the human race, there’s one question that nobody on earth can answer, “What happens when you die? What exactly is heaven like?” Every few years someone claims to have…
We Believe: The Apostles' Creed
BHoward • Sermon • • 13 views
Forgiveness is avalaible and complete in Christ Jesus, and those who have reveived it must live like it.
2021 Lenten Covenant Series
BillS • Faith Presbyterian Church • Sermon • • 17 views
Tracing through the covenants to the cross
The Gospel of John
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 1,497 views
1. God's love stretches to the widest span.
2. God's love gave us the greatest gift.
3. God's love suffered the greatest sacrifice.
4. God's love calls for the greatest confidence.
5. God's love results in the greatest rescue.
The Gospel of John
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 92 views
1. Trust Jesus with elusive things (vs. 9-11).
2. Trust Jesus with earthly things (vs. 12).
3. Trust Jesus with eternal things (vs. 12-15).
Pr. Benjamin Tomczak • Sermon • • 5,874 views
“Men loved the darkness instead of light.” What a word. It’s not that men haven’t seen the light. They have. They chose the dark. The proof’s in the pudding: “their deeds were evil.” More than just choosing darkness, men actively hate the light. They hate the light because it ruins their lives. “Everyone…
Emmanuel Haqq • Sermon • • 26 views
How Can I Have Eternal Life? John 3:9-19 September 21, 2008 The meanings of words change so much sometimes that it’s hard to even use the word anymore. Did you know that “nice” used to (13th century) be an insult, meaning foolish or stupid? More recently, “Spam” was canned meat made by Hormel, but now…